What are the pre-requistes for installing OpenEdge on RHEL 7.0 64 bit?

por | 11 febrero, 2016

Article Number 000056050
Environment Product: OpenEdge
Version: 10.2B 08, 11.3.2, 11.4, 11.5 and higher
OS: RHEL (Red Hat) 7.0 64 bit
Question/Problem Description
What are the pre-requistes for installing OpenEdge on RHEL 7.0 64 bit?
Steps to Reproduce
Clarifying Information
Error Message
Defect/Enhancement Number
OpenEdge Product requires C++ library “libstdc++.so.6”.

Ensure that the machine has the corresponding 32 or 64 bit libstd.c++.so.6. If the machine does not have libstd.c++.so.6 package installed, download and install libstdc++ 32 bit package for OpenEdge 32 bit and libstdc++ 64 bit package for OpenEdge 64 bit, from RPM repository.

This can be done by executing (as root) the following commands:

yum install libstdc++ (for an OpenEdge 64 bit installation)
yum install libstdc++.i686 (for an OpenEdge 32 bit installation)

The library needs to be installed prior to installing the OpenEdge release.