Archivo de la categoría: Windows

Todo lo relacionado con Windows y Windows Server en sus diferentes versiones

Fix Google Chrome Status_Invalid_Image_Hash Error

If you’re getting the status_invalid_image_hash error on Google Chrome, use this troubleshooting guide to fix the problem on Windows and Android. Open Command Prompt as an administrator and type this command:

SQL Query for Counting Records per Day

This SQL query will add up the record count per day based on a column called “Timestamp.” Transact SQL SELECT DATEPART(YEAR, Timestamp) AS ‘Year’, DATEPART(MONTH, Timestamp) AS ‘Month’, DATEPART(DAY, Timestamp) AS ‘Day’, COUNT(*) AS ‘Visits’FROM tblVisitsGROUP BY DATEPART(DAY, Timestamp), DATEPART(MONTH, Timestamp), DATEPART(YEAR, Timestamp)ORDER BY ‘Year’, ‘Month’, ‘Day’ Results The results of this query will appear… Leer más »

How can I monitor the number of users logged in to Windows? PRTG This article applies to PRTG Network Monitor 16.2.23 or later Monitoring the Number of Logged in Windows Users The Windows Logged In Users sensor is one of the sensor types that we remove in context of the The PRTG Sensor Cleanup. You could use this sensor to monitor the number of users logged in to a Windows… Leer más »

Excel prompts you to grant access to files and then hangs or shows a warning that it cannot open the .xlsx file because the format or extension is not valid

Last Updated: June 11, 2019 ISSUE You may receive an unexpected prompt to Grant Access to files when you try to open a file or do «Save as…» or «Save a copy». When this happens, Excel may become unresponsive and you will need to force quit the application to recover. STATUS: WORKAROUND We are investigating… Leer más »