Archivo del Autor: carlosap

Installing GNS3 on CentOS/RHEL 6

Aug 1st, 2012 by jrehmert Login as root and run the following (accept all dependencies): yum install python python-devel xorg-x11-proto-devel libXext-devel gcc-c++ libXrender* PyQt4 PyQt4-devel qt qt-devel qemu-img libvirt Download the latest GNS3 source, unpack it to /opt, create symbolic link, create subfolders and set permissions: wget tar -xvf GNS3-0.8.3-src.tar.gz /opt cd /opt ln… Leer más »

Simple linux resource monitor

from: Simple linux resource monitor I use my Raspberry Pi  (running on raspbmc) primarily to host and serve media via NFS for yet another Pi running XBMC. I also use it as a private subversion server for all of my unfinished projects as well as a downloader for all of my legitimate downloading needs. At times,… Leer más »

To Force ClientForNFS to use specific UID and GID windows 2008

To Force ClientForNFS to use specific UID and GID To force ClientForNFS to mount a share using a specific UID and GID, and without the need for a user name mapping server, add the following registry keys:   HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\ClientForNFS\CurrentVersion\Default Add two DWORD values: AnonymousUid and AnonymousGid and set to your appropriate values in decimal.… Leer más »