How to upgrade an OpenEdge database from version 10.2 to 11.0?

por | 8 marzo, 2013

Question/Problem Description
How to upgrade an OpenEdge database from version 10.2 to 11.0?
Clarifying Information
Error Message
Defect/Enhancement Number
Use these steps for upgrading a database from OpenEdge 10.2 to 11.
OpenEdge 10.2 exists on the same machine where OpenEdge 11 is installed:
1. Truncate the version 10.2 database using the version 10.2 installation tools:
proutil <dbname> -C truncate
2. Backup the version 10.2 database using the version 10.2 installation tools:
probkup <dbname> <dbname>.bkp

3. Run the version 11 proenv script to set the environment to OpenEdge 11.
Give the command to convert the now version 10 database to 11.
proutil <dbname> -C conv1011
OpenEdge 10.2 does not exist on the machine where OpenEdge 11 is installed:

1. Read the README file in the version 11 installation for using the 102 database utilities located here:
<DLC directory>/bin/102dbutils/README

2. Set the DLC environment variable to point to the $DLC/bin/102dbutils directory. (Version 11 contains the old version 10 tools.)

Example on Unix:
DLC=$DLC/bin/102dbutils;export DLC
Example on Windows:
set DLC=%DLC%\bin\102dbutils
3.  Truncate the bi file:
Example command to truncate BI file using 102dbutils:
$DLC/102b05_dbutil <dbname> -C truncate
4.  Backup the database:
Example command to backup the database using 102dbutils:
$DLC/102b05_dbutil -C probkup <dbname> <dbname>-10.bkp
5. Run the version 11 proenv script to set the environment to OpenEdge 11.
6. Convert the OpenEdge 10 database to OpenEdge 11 using conv1011.
proutil <dbname> -C conv1011