Archivo del Autor: carlosap

SYSTEM ERROR: -s exceeded error

SYSTEM ERROR: -s exceeded. Raising STOP condition and attempting to write stack trace to file ‘procore’. Consider increasing -s startup parameter. (5635) Edit in progress install directory

Enabling jumbo frames to increase the mirroring path MTU

Jumbo Frames Switch: 9216 (untagged) On 1-Gbps and 10-Gbps ports in the mirroring path, you can reduce the number of dropped frames by enabling jumbo frames on all intermediate switches and routers. (The MTU on the switches covered by this manual is 9220 bytes for frames having an 802.1Q VLAN tag, and 9216 bytes for… Leer más »

SQL Query for Counting Records per Day

This SQL query will add up the record count per day based on a column called “Timestamp.” Transact SQL SELECT DATEPART(YEAR, Timestamp) AS ‘Year’, DATEPART(MONTH, Timestamp) AS ‘Month’, DATEPART(DAY, Timestamp) AS ‘Day’, COUNT(*) AS ‘Visits’FROM tblVisitsGROUP BY DATEPART(DAY, Timestamp), DATEPART(MONTH, Timestamp), DATEPART(YEAR, Timestamp)ORDER BY ‘Year’, ‘Month’, ‘Day’ Results The results of this query will appear… Leer más »

Pandas Flask

mkdir pandas cd pandas python3 -m venv vpandas Activate the environment Before you work on your project, activate the corresponding environment: . vpandas/bin/activate pip3 install Flask python3 -m flask run –host=

Check If A Linux System Is Physical Or Virtual Machine

Method 1 – Using Dmidecode utility The easiest way to find if we are working on a virtual or physical machine is using dmidecode utility. Dmidecode, DMI table decoder, is used find your system’s hardware components, as well as other useful information such as serial numbers and BIOS revision. Dmidecode comes pre-installed with most Linux distributions. Just in… Leer más »


Compatiblidad truecrypt veracrypt archivo path -tc -m=nokernelcrypto Instalación en Ubuntu En Ubuntu lo instalaríamos mediante PPA: Fuente Instalación en Raspberry Instalamos las siguientes dependencias: Instalamos la última versión de Veracrypt que podemos encontrar en este enlace: Extraemos el archivo descargados: Instalamos ejecutando el script: Ahora seguiremos los pasos que nos pedirá el programa: 1 (instalar) Enter (aceptar la… Leer más »