I compiled and built this ready to use nx+freenx server tarball for solaris10 x86. This is both freenx 0.7.0 and the nomachine NX libraries version 2.1.0-2.
Tested on a fresh solaris 10 x86 u4 8/07
Here’s gnome and CDE on sol10x86, for the non-believers.
Just download nx_freenx_sol10x86.tar.gz
place it in your server at /, and uncompress.
# cd /
# gunzip nx_freenx_sol10x86.tar.gz
# tar xvf nx_freenx_sol10x86.tar
Then run the nxinstall script, which will check for the required packages. all of them from blastwave.org. VERY IMPORTANT: if these are missing, install them!!!! nx+freenx won’t work without ggetopt, expect, gmd5sum, gfind, ggetopt,netcat from blastwave at /opt/csw/bin!!!
# nxinstall
a log of a succesful nxinstall should look like this
After this, you’ll be ready to use any nx client on another computer to connect to your Solaris 10 x86 freenx server!