introduction to yum

por | 15 febrero, 2008


To update the system applying the most recent corrective patches of security and to the operating system is not as difficult as many do not suppose, nor either must be a hell of dependencies between packages RPM as some others argue. The reality of the things is that it is much very simple and single requires of good bandwidth or very many patience. Next we presented/displayed the procedures to use yum and to make easily what some denominate «horrible, difficult and complicated «.

Please note there are some changes that apply to Fedora Core 3. You will need to install GPG Key for yum in FC3.

Creating Yum Repo’s For FC3.

To update system. Update of the system with all the dependencies that are necessary:



yum update

Searches. To make a search of some package or term in the data base in some of the formed deposits yum in the system:



yum search any-package




yum search httpd

I hope this will help you understand how to use yum more effeciently. Any erros in this how please notify me.
Consultation of information. To consult the information contained in a package in individual:



yum info any-package




yum info httpd

Installation of packages. Installation of paquetería with automatic resolution of dependencies:



yum install any-package




yum install gkrellm

Uninstalling packages. Desinstalación of packages along with everything what it depends on these:



yum remove any-package




yum remove gkrellm

Listing Packages. The following thing will list all the packages available in the data base yum and that can settle:



available yum list|less

The following thing will list all the packages installed in the system:



yum list installed|less

The following thing will list all the packages installed in the system and that can (they must) be updated:



yum list updates|less

Cleaning of the system.

Yum leaves as result of its use heads and packages RPM stored in the interior of the directory located in the route /var/cache/yum/. Particularly the packages RPM that have settled can occupy much space and is by such reason agrees to eliminate them once no longer they have utility. Also it agrees to do the same with the old heads of packages that no longer are in the data base. In order to make the corresponding cleaning, the following thing can be executed:



yum clean all

Group install



yum groupinstall "groupname"

Dont forget the quotation marks for group install.

I hope this will help you understand how to use yum more effeciently. I did this for our newbies that may want to uninstall packages which is not mention in the fedora FAQ. For more info on yum go here: