Archivo de la categoría: Nix

OS X Catalina – /cores directory taking up a lot of space?

Long story short, it’s safe to delete them. The /cores folder is where OS X stores Core Dumps. These are files that are intended for developers to trouble-shoot and diagnose faults in their software. They are generated as software crashes. If you’re not a developer, or aren’t testing software for a developer, then these files serve no… Leer más »

Advantages of using set -o vi

By setting your readline editing to either emacs (the default) or vi (set -o vi) you are essentially standardizing your editing commands, across the shell and your editor of choice1. Thus, if you want to edit a command in the shell you use the same commands2 that you would if you were in your text editor.… Leer más » About LowEndBox Low End Box is dedicated to helping people run websites and services on low end dedicated servers and virtual private servers, where you only need to pay a few dollars a month to get full root access. Our mission is to help people find cheap vps hosting. [

How to make a programme continue to run after log out from ssh?

Assuming that you have a program running in the foreground, press ctrl-Z, then: If there is only one job, then you don’t need to specify the job number. Just use disown -h and bg. Explanation of the above steps: You press ctrl-Z. The system suspends the running program, displays a job number and a «Stopped» message and returns you… Leer más »

Quick Tip – Allow unsupported CPUs when upgrading to ESXi 7.0

As outlined in the vSphere 7.0 release notes (which everyone should carefully read through before upgrading), the following CPU processors are no longer supported: Intel Family 6, Model = 2C (Westmere-EP) Intel Family 6, Model = 2F (Westmere-EX) To help put things into perspective, these processors were released about 10 years ago! So this should not come… Leer más »

Adding a putty .ppk key to MacOS SSH terminal.

Converting .ppk key to .pem key on a Mac macOS by default doesn’t recognize .ppk files, so for that, we need to convert it into a .pem file. It can be done easily via homebrew & putty.  Install Homebrew if you are booting into a fresh version of macOS there is a fair chance that… Leer más »