Archivo del Autor: carlosap

PowerSeeker 76 Telescope PowerSeeker 76 Telescope Item # 21044 Aperture 76 mm (2.99 in) Focal Length (mm) 700 mm (28 in) Focal Ratio 9.21 Eyepiece 1 (mm) 20 mm (0.79 in) Magnification 1 35 x Eyepiece 2 (mm) 4 mm (0.16 in) Magnification 2 175 x Barlow Lens 3 x Finderscope 5×24 Mount Altazimuth Accessory Tray No-Tool… Leer más »

Securing OpenSSH

Securing OpenSSH Contents Use Strong Passwords/Usernames Disable Root Logins Limit User Logins Disable Protocol 1 Use a Non-Standard Port Filter SSH at the Firewall Use Public/Private Keys for Authentication Frequently Asked Question (FAQ) Links OpenSSH (or Secure SHell) has become a de facto standard for remote access replacing the telnet protocol. SSH has made protocols… Leer más »

Multi-threaded binary dump

Iniciar la base con proserver (Nota: el Multi-threaded no funciona offline ) proserve db-name -S 5000 -B 128000 Para el dump con todos los CPU’s proutil db-name -C dump table-name . -thread 1

Progress OpenEdge Database 10.1b install on Centos (RHEL)

En /etc/profile DLC=/opt/dlc102b JREHOME=/usr/java/jre1.5.0_22 JDKHOME=/usr/java/jdk1.5.0_22 PATH=$PATH:/usr/java/jre1.5.0_22/bin:/usr/java/jdk1.5.0_22/bin:/opt/dlc102b/bin export PATH USER LOGNAME MAIL HOSTNAME HISTSIZE INPUTRC DLC JREHOME JDKHOME What follows is a braindump of every thing I stumled into while getting Progress OpenEdge Database 10.1b up and running on Centos (Red Hat Enterprise Linux). Where Centos is a VMWare virtual machine (guest) with Windows XP as… Leer más »


Michael Andrews – Donnie Darko Liquid Spear Waltz ( medio a la Satie? )… Ennio Morricone – A Fistful Of Dynamite


RESUMEN   Name Processor Frequency Cores Platform Architecture Bits Score   SUNW,Sun-Fire-880 UltraSPARC-III+ 900 Mhz 8 Solaris SPARC 64 2541   SUNW,Sun-Fire-V890 UltraSPARC-IV+ 1800 Mhz 16 Solaris SPARC 64 8556   iPhone 5 Apple A6 1300 2 iOS ARM 32 1660    Sun Ultra 45 Workstation UltraSPARC-IIIi 1600 Mhz 1 Solaris SPARC 64 1071  … Leer más »

Categoría: Nix

Progress Explorer and Windows 2008

!!!!! DOWNLOAD FIX progressExplorer.reg Here —->>>>  progressExplorerFIXwin2008.reg <<<<<<< Posted on February 17, 2011 by alasdaircs For my sins, I regularly work with a legal case management application written in the Progress 4GL. I’m not a big fan of Progress, aka Open Edge, but I can do a passable job of database administration with it. I… Leer más »