Archivo del Autor: carlosap

Create ramdisk on solaris

Create ramdisk on solaris #ramdiskadm -a idisk 512m #newfs /dev/ramdisk/idisk #mkdir /test #mount /dev/ramdisk/idisk /test   When you’re finished with the RAM disk, umount and delete it like so: # umount /test # ramdiskadm -d idisk Incrementar memoria solaris: Edit /etc/system Add this line: set ramdisk:rd_percent_physmem=xx where xx is your percent.

Sharing directories with NFS in Solaris 10

Sharing directories with NFS in Solaris 10 You want to share a directory in Solaris, may be, the home of the users, or a directory with binaries. With svcs the service status can be checked, so lets check the status of the nfs server: -bash-3.00# svcs network/nfs/server STATE STIME FMRI offline 2:19:03 svc:/network/nfs/server:default The service… Leer más »

Remotely Sleep a Mac with SSH

Comando: pmset sleepnow Use Terminal and SSH to the target Mac, be sure to specify the appropriate user name and IP address: ssh [email protected] Once logged in, type the following command: osascript -e ‘tell application «System Events» to sleep’ There is no warning or hesitation, the target Mac immediately goes to sleep and the SSH… Leer más »

Using lsof utility

lsof is one of the little known but very powerfull utility in Linux. Man pages basically says that lsof: list open files. But you can use it for managing and tracking network connections, you can list open ports, identify connections currently being made to your system, and determine what resources a process is using. Not… Leer más »

install sound drivers in Windows 3.11 in VMware I don’t know if this is already been discussed, but I found a way to install sound drivers in Windows NT 3.51 in VMware. This also work for Windows NT 4.0 and Windows 9x OS. Here is the way that should work. Be sure you have VMware closed or another OS is selected: Step… Leer más »