Archivo del Autor: carlosap

Frecuencia de Canales de Television en UHF para México

MÉRIDA Canal Video (MHz) Audio (MHz) CANALES Nombre 22 519.25 523.75 3.1,3.4 Imagen, Excelcior 23 525.25 529.75 14.1, 11.1, 20.1, 22.1 Canal Catorce, once, tv unam, Canal 22 24 531.25 535.75 13.1 NA 25 537.25 541.75 9.1 SIPSE Televisión 28 555.25 559.75 4.1 Tele Yucatán 30 567.25 571.75 2.1,2.2 Las estrellas, Foro TV 31 573.25… Leer más »

websdr A WebSDR is a Software-Defined Radio receiver connected to the internet, allowing many listeners to listen and tune it simultaneously. SDR technology makes it possible that all listeners tune independently, and thus listen to different signals; this is in contrast to the many classical receivers that are already available via the internet.

Categoría: SDR

openwebrx RASPBERRY 1 CHANGE IN MAKEFILE: csdr MakeFile PARAMS_NEON = -mfloat-abi=hard -mcpu=arm1176jzf-s -mfpu=vfp -funsafe-math-optimizations -Wformat=0 tnx Jan Szumiec for the Raspberry Pi support PARAMS_RASPI = -mfloat-abi=hard -mcpu=arm1176jzf-s -mfpu=vfp -funsafe-math-optimizations -Wformat=0

Categoría: SDR