raspberry autoupdate

por | 25 abril, 2019

Add the following lines of code to the file and save it (ctrl + X, Y and enter). This will the basis for the automatic updates:

sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade -y 
sudo rpi-update 
sudo apt-get autoremove 
sudo apt-get autoclean 
sudo reboot

You will want to make the shell script executable using the following command:

sudo chmod +x update.sh

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Step 2: Step 2: Cron

Optional: Create a folder to store a running log file for when this runs every week.

(This log folder and the file created below can be anything you want to name it and in any location)

sudo mkdir /logs

This will create a new folder or directory in location you’re at (i.e. /home/pi/logs/). If you want to create a folder that is in root, just put a ~ in front of /logs.

To make the entry to cron, we will need to add the following to the crontab file using the following command and selecting option 2:

crontab -e

The cron job will look similar to what is below. This depends on if you 
want a log file created after each run (remove ‘>/home/pi/logs/cronlog’)This will run once a week on Saturday at midnight. To create the cronlog file, just enter the following (you may need to use sudo):

touch /logs/cronlog

Add the following line at the bottom and save (ctrl XY and enter):

0 0 * * SAT sh /home/pi/update.sh 2>/home/pi/logs/cronlog

The 2> redirects all output to the file so that you will have a complete log.

For examples on the syntax of this line of code, head over to