A beginners guide to Solaris Multipathing Software (MPxIO or STMS)

por | 13 marzo, 2019

Oracle Solaris Storage Multipathing MPxIO provides multipath access to storage luns by grouping together the physical paths and presenting a single logical path. MPxIO can also be referred as STMS or SCSI_VHCI due to the commands used and logical device paths created.


Configuration files

For Solaris 10 and earlier

/kernel/drv/fp.confFiber channel port configuration file (For Fiber Channel Devices)
/kernel/drv/mpt.confmpt scsi/SAS HBA controller driver configuration file (For SAS Devices)
/kernel/drv/scsi_vhci.confMPXIO operation configuration file (Used to define loadbalancing and failback modes and configure 3rd party devices)
/kernel/drv/iscsi_confiSCSI MPxIO configuration file (For iSCSI devices)

For Solaris 11
In case of Solaris 11, files in the directory /kernel/drv/ and /etc/driver/drv are the sample default configuration files delivered with OS (not used by MPxIO). Do not edit these files. The location of the configuration files is /etc/driver/drv/. The 4 configuration files used in case of Solaris 11 are the same, performing the same task. Although the syntax may be different.


It is best practice to edit these files using the stmsboot utility, rather than editing them manually.

Enabling/Disabling MPxIO

The syntax of the command stmsboot used to enable/disable MPxIO is :

stmsboot [-D fp|mpt] [-d | -e | -u | -L | -l controller_number]

-D fp|mpt -> to select the protocol where you want to enable/disable mpxio
-e -> to enable STMS on all HBA
-d -> to disable STMS on all HBA
-u -> to update vfstable and dump config after manual file configuration
-l or -L unchanged - see the manpage of stms for a full description.

Few examples of using stmsboot command are :

# stmsboot -eTo enable MPxIO or all devices (globally)
# stmsboot -D fp -eTo enable MPxIO for fiber channel devices
# stmsboot -dTo disable MPxIO for all devices (globally)

How to confirm MPxIO is enabled

To make sure that MPxIO is enabled for a LUN, simply run the format command and check for the /scsi_vhci in the logical path of the LUN.

# format
4. c6t60060E800561CF00000061CF00000002d0 

Another way is to check the “mpxio-disable” parameter in the configuration files :

Solaris 7,8,9

# egrep "^mpxio-disable=" /kernel/drv/*.conf

Solaris 10

# egrep "^mpxio-disable=" /kernel/drv/*.conf

Solaris 11

# egrep "^mpxio-disable=" /etc/driver/drv/*.conf

For Solaris 10 and 11, MPxIO is enabled by default on X86 platforms.

Verifying that the scsi_vhci module is loaded

scsi_vhci is the virtual host controller interconnect driver used to manage path of storage LUN. If you find that the scsi_vhci module is not loaded, then most likely MPxIO is not enabled.

Solaris[TM] 7,8,9,10,11
# modinfo -c |grep scsi_vhci
 21          1 scsi_vhci                        LOADED/INSTALLED

Verifying Health of paths

We can check the multiple paths to the storage array LUNs by using mpathadm or luxadm command. The various states for the paths are :


mpathadm (supported for FC/SAS/iSCSI) [Works on Solaris 10, 11]
luxadm (supported on FC only) [Works on Solaris 7,8,9,10,11]

# mpathadm list LU
                Total Path Count: 2 
                Operational Path Count: 2

To check the health of the paths using mpathadm :

# mpathadm show LU  /dev/rdsk/c9t60080E50001C0300000006464D8C9044d0s2

Logical Unit:  /dev/rdsk/c9t60080E50001C0300000006464D8C9044d0s2
        mpath-support:  libmpscsi_vhci.so
        Vendor:  SUN     
        Product:  LCSM100_F
        Revision:  0777
        Name Type:  unknown type
        Name:  60080e50001c0300000006464d8c9044
        Asymmetric:  yes
        Current Load Balance:  round-robin
        Logical Unit Group ID:  NA
        Auto Failback:  on
        Auto Probing:  NA

                Initiator Port Name:  210000e08b07922c
                Target Port Name:  203d0080e51c2cc4
                Override Path:  NA
                Path State:  OK
                Disabled:  no

                Initiator Port Name:  210000e08b07f32c
                Target Port Name:  203e0080e51c2cc4
                Override Path:  NA
                Path State:  OK
                Disabled:  no

To check health of paths using luxadm :

# luxadm probe
                Found Fibre Channel device(s):
                Logical Path:/dev/rdsk/c6t60060E800561CF00000061CF00000002d0s2
                Node WWN:203e0080e51c2cc4  Device Type:Disk device
# luxadm display 203e0080e51c2cc4
DEVICE PROPERTIES for disk: 203e0080e51c2cc4
  Vendor:               SUN     
  Product ID:           LCSM100_F ------------> this is a 2540 or 2540-M2 array
  Revision:             0777
  Serial Num:           SV04720931      
  Unformatted capacity: 5120.000 MBytes
  Write Cache:          Enabled
  Read Cache:           Enabled
    Minimum prefetch:   0x3
    Maximum prefetch:   0x0
  Device Type:          Disk device

   Controller           /devices/pci@1d,700000/SUNW,qlc@1/fp@0,0
    Device Address              203d0080e51c2cc4,0
    Host controller port WWN    210000e08b07922c
    Class                       primary
    State                       ONLINE
   Controller           /devices/pci@1c,600000/SUNW,qlc@1/fp@0,0
    Device Address              203e0080e51c2cc4,0
    Host controller port WWN    210000e08b07f32c
    Class                       secondary
    State                       ONLINE

Load Balancing policies

MPxIO also provides the load balancing capability to the I/O. There are basically 3 options to configure load balancing :

Round RobinSelects all paths in a round robin way.
Logical BlockI/Os within the range specified by range_size parameter would go on the same path. Improves performance on some storage arrays which have per path caching of data.
NoneNo load balancing – only one path is used.

The load balancing policy can be set in the configuration file /kernel/drv/scsi_vhci.conf for solaris 10 and earlier or in the /etc/driver/drv/scsi_vhci.conf file for solaris 11.


Auto-failback policy

Auto-failback policy enables the re-enable the failed path after it has recovered from the failure. By default the auto-failback is enabled. There are 2 ways to enable the auto-failback :

Non-persistent way
By this method, the auto-failback option does not persist across reboots.

# mpathadm modify mpath-support --autofailback on libmpscsi_vhci.so
# mpathadm modify mpath-support -a on libmpscsi_vhci.so

Persistent way
For the changes to persist across reboots set the auto-failback parameter in the configuration file /kernel/drv/scsi_vhci.conf for solaris 10 and earlier or in the /etc/driver/drv/scsi_vhci.conf file for solaris 11. This requires a reconfiguration reboot.


Verifying auto-failback
To confirm that the auto-failback is enabled use :

# mpathadm show mpath-support libmpscsi_vhci.so | grep -i failback
           Supported Auto Failback Config:  1
           Auto Failback:  on  <---<<<
           Failback Polling Rate (current/max):  0/0

How to enable Solaris multipathing (MPxIO or STMS) for EMC Symmetrix LUNs