First download the installer file squirrel-sql-<version>-install.jar from and install the SQuirreL SQL Client under Windows or Linux using the command: java -jar squirrel-sql-<version>-install.jar
During the graphical installation an installation path will be asked, as well as if a base or a standard install is wanted. Shortcuts to the application can be created on the desktop and in the Start menu. An uninstaller script is generated automatically and placed in the ‘Uninstaller’ folder of the SQuirreL installation directory.
After the installation of the SQuirreL SQL client the OpenEdge JDBC driver then needs to be added to the application by going to the ‘Drivers’ tab and clicking on the ‘+’ button. In the ‘Name’ field fill in ‘OpenEdge’ (and the OpenEdge version), in the field ‘Example URL’ fill in ‘jdbc:datadirect:openedge://localhost:5555;databaseName=testdb’ (for OpenEdge version 9.1E fill in ‘jdbc:JdbcProgress:T:localhost:5555:testdb’), in the field ‘Website URL’ fill in ‘’. Then go to the ‘Extra Class Path’ tab and click on the ‘Add’ button.
For the versions of OpenEdge 9.1E and 10.0B the file to add is /usr/dlc/java/jdbc.jar
For the versions of OpenEdge 10.1a, 10.1b, 10.1C and 10.2a the files to add are
For the versions of OpenEdge 10.2B, 11.0, 11.1, 11.2 and 11.3 the file to add is /usr/dlc/java/openedge.jar
Once the jar files are added click on the ‘List Drivers’ button, in the Class Name field the following will appear under 9.1E and 10.0B: com.progress.sql.jdbc.JdbcProgressDriver , while under 10.1a, 10.1b, 10.1C, 10.2a, 10.2B, 11.0, 11.1, 11.2 and 11.3 the following will appear: com.ddtek.jdbc.openedge.OpenEdgeDriver
To then establish a connection to a database go to the ‘Aliases’ tab and click on the ‘+’ button, in the ‘Driver’ dropdown select the new driver entry you previously created, modify the ‘URL’ entry to match the hostname, port number and database name of the database you want to establish a connection to, and fill in the database ‘User Name’ and ‘Password’ fields.
To verify the entered alias settings click on the button ‘Test’, a popup will show up where you will need to click on the button ‘Connect’, a popup with ‘Connection successful’ will then appear. When the connection is successful press the button ‘OK’ the new alias is now added to the aliases list. Right click on the new alias created and select ‘Connect’ and press ‘Connect’. A query like ‘select * from PUB.customer;’ can then be entered, to run the SQL query click on the running man button or press the keyboard buttons Ctrl and Enter simultaneously.
(For OpenEdge versions prior to version 10.1A the DLC variable needs to be set before launching the SQuirreL SQL Client.)