Archivo de la categoría: PHP mySQL

Cursos de PHP y MySQL, Tips y ejemplos


Concatenar strings $str1 = “hola “;$str2 = “que tal “;$str3= “como estas?”; $str4 = $str1.$str2.$str3; Strings CharsSe pueden reemplazar los caracteres:$str1 = «0123456789″;$str1[2]=»x«; Cambiar a mayusculas y minúsculas:strtoupper();strtolower(); Capitaliza la primera letra:ucfirst(); Capitaliza todas las letras:ucwords();ASCII chr(32) = spacechr(65) = A ord(“A”) = 65;   Tags: strings


unset() Syntax:    void unset(mixed var [, mixed var, …])var    Variable to unset. Unsets a variable. unset() destroys one or more variables and deallocates the memory associated with them. Code: <?php $a = «Some data»; unset($a); if (!isset($a)) {    print «\$a is no longer available»; } ?> Output: $a is no longer available

Introducción a PHP

¿ Que es PHP ? Scripting / Programming Language (“C – Like”) FREE and Open Source Fast, Open, Stable, Cross Platform! No compilation! PHP is all about “Community”    

Creating a Database

Those of you who are working on your Web host’s MySQL server have probably already been assigned a database with which to work. Sit tight, we’ll get back to you in a moment. Those of you running a MySQL server that you installed yourselves will need to create your own database. It’s just as easy… Leer más »


mysql Actualizar todos los campos de una tabla update mos_mypms_profiles set emailnotify=’1′;