Archivo del Autor: carlosap

crontab progress openedge

Status: Verified SYMPTOM(s): Shell script fails to run Progress procedure as a (scheduled) batch job. ** Could not find terminal type <type> in file <file name>. (146) Unable to use your terminal. Check your PROTERMCAP file. (443) Redirection or Piping of stdin or stdout is allowed only with -b.(156) FACT(s) (Environment): Running progress in batch… Leer más »

Installing Solaris IOU in SPARC server

NetBSD supports Solaris/SVR4 binary emulation. This means that NetBSD/SPARC is able to execute Solaris/SPARC binaries – IOU, for example. NetBSD/SPARC runs on qemu-system-sparc. Solaris emulation requires some real Solaris libraries. Libraries from any 32-bit Solaris/SPARC should work. Solaris 8 works. Solaris 10 does not work. Here’s a quick tutorial: 1. Compile qemu-system-sparc. 2.… Leer más »

NAT para tap0 qemu openvz CENTOS 6

echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -s -j SNAT –to iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -j SNAT –to-source vps IP source tap0 interface ip

If you interrupt john you can resume

  Obtain a target file for this assignment I have prepared such an «unshadowed» file representing 50 accounts and their passwords. It is named crack-these-please. Obtain it from by anonymous ftp. It’s in the pub subdirectory. Put it in your john- directory. Then cd into that directory and run ./john  crack-these-please Try to crack as… Leer más »

Command rejected: Po1 not a switching port on Cisco Catalyst 4500

check the etherchannel status S4#show etherchannel summary Flags:  D – down        P – bundled in port-channel I – stand-alone s – suspended H – Hot-standby (LACP only) R – Layer3      S – Layer2 U – in use      f – failed to allocate aggregator M – not in use, minimum links not met u – unsuitable… Leer más »

How to create Etherchannel in GNS3

How to create Etherchannel in GNS3 I searched most of the Internet to find out how to create ether-channel but couldn’t find right steps. I have tried to make it more complex so that it will help you in many other deployments. R1——f0/0+f0/1—–R2—->f0/3—>R3 All ports exist in vlan 10. R1 is having vlan 10 interface with… Leer más »

logging synchronous

Para los mensajes en consola y terminal logging synchronous no ip domain-lookup show interface brief alias exec s show ip interface brief

Cisco vlan

The interface is not in switchport mode. try this: configure terminal interface e0/0 switchport

Compile qemu for Centos 6 GNS3

Common errors: glib-2.12 required to compile QEMU ERROR: pixman not present. Your options: (1) Preferred: Install the pixman devel package (any recent distro should have packages as Xorg needs pixman too). (2) Fetch the pixman submodule, using: git submodule update –init pixman Install: yum install git glib2 glib2-devel pixman pixman-devel git clone git:// ./configure make… Leer más »

«Cannot Connect to X Server :0.0»

«Cannot Connect to X Server :0.0» cuestión que se resuelve poniendo: xhost + pero ahí me parece que se le está sacando mucha seguridad a algo, pero bueno, no será el primer linux que rompo Aclaración: xhost + lo ejecuto desde el usuario no root para que el root pueda usarlo, andá a saber… y… Leer más »