Archivo del Autor: carlosap

Optimize Apache and MySQL for a 256MB VPS

Home > Misc. Tutorial Logs > Optimize Apache and MySQL for a 256MB VPS « Newer | Older » Optimize Apache and MySQL for a 256MB VPS September 1, 2011 No Comments Tags: apache mysqltuner prefork ubuntu vps For small websites or not so popular WordPress blogs a small VPS with only 256MB of RAM… Leer más »

odbc locks connection progress

Hi All, We are connecting to the Progress Database from ASP.NET web application using the Progress ODBC Driver. The isolation Level is set to READ COMMITTED IN THE Driver Properties. We are trying to retreive the data based on certain conditions from one of the web pages. However, if the record is locked in Progress… Leer más »

How to configure the SQuirreL SQL Client to connect to OpenEdge 9.1E, 10.1A, 10.1B, 10.1C, 10.2A, 10.2B, 11.0, 11.1, 11.2 or 11.3

Nota al final añadir: – append defaultSchema=pub to the end of the URL. Like: jdbc:datadirect:openedge://localhost:5555;databaseName=testdb;defaultSchema=pub   Resolution First download the installer file squirrel-sql-<version>-install.jar from and install the SQuirreL SQL Client under Windows or Linux using the command: java -jar squirrel-sql-<version>-install.jar During the graphical installation an installation path will be asked, as well as if a base or a… Leer más »


WHEN TO (AND NOT TO) USE RAID-Z By user13278091 on mai 31, 2006 WHEN TO (AND NOT TO) USE RAID-Z RAID-Z is the technology used by ZFS to implement a data-protection scheme which is less costly than mirroring in terms of block overhead. Here, I’d like to go over, from a theoretical standpoint, the performance… Leer más »

tarjeta gráfica dell t110 ii

ati 7950/7970 @MCTONY01 Hace 7 meses +1 gtx 690 @lakresta Hace 7 meses +1 una HD 7770 o GT 610!! trata de buscar una q no consuma mucho.

Configuration NFS windows and RPI En la parte de windows 7: Start Registry Editor Locate HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\ClientForNFS \CurrentVersion\Default Create two DWORD values namely AnonymousUid and AnonymousGid Set these values to the UID and GID you would like this NFS client to use Restart your Client for NFS service using the Microsoft Services for NFS MMC snap-in En la parte del… Leer más »