Archivo del Autor: carlosap

Quick Access in Windows 10 is not working acceso rápido no funciona

First disable Quick Access and then r-enable it and see if it helps. If not, then open File Explorer and paste the following folder paths in the address bar and hit Enter. %AppData%\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations %AppData%\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\CustomDestinations Once the folder is opened, press Ctrl+A to select all its contents. Now right-click and select Delete, to  delete all the… Leer más »

baby camera s822 url rtsp

Main Stream rtsp:// Sub Stream rtsp://    

Backlight mode

BLC Mode Backlight compensation is a feature that camera companies have been utilizing for some time now. To read more about BLC modes OFF: BLC render mode is off BLC: backlight compensation: Default will use the whole image to balance the lighting settings, and Customized will allow you to balance the lighting settings from… Leer más »

Cables para HDCVI

Tipo de cable Cobre sólido RG59 Cable Siames RG59 El cable siamés eléctrico es un cable formado por dos conductores concéntricos: Un conductor central o núcleo, formado por un hilo sólido o trenzado de cobre (llamado positivo o vivo). Un conductor exterior en forma de tubo o vaina, y formado por una malla trenzada de proteccion.… Leer más »


The Telharmonium (also known as the Dynamophone) was an early electrical organ, developed by Thaddeus Cahill circa 1896 and patented in 1897.[1][2][3] The electrical signal from the Telharmonium was transmitted over wires; it was heard on the receiving end by means of «horn» speakers.[4] Like the later Hammond organ, the Telharmonium used tonewheels to generate… Leer más »

add fstab raspberry

blkid # blkid /dev/mmcblk0p1: LABEL=»boot» UUID=»70CI-CB26″ TYPE=»vfat» PARTUUID=»e3cbft8b-01″ /dev/mmcblk0p2: UUID=»f2100b2f-ed84-4647-b5ai-081234512716″ TYPE=»ext4″ PARTUUID=»e3cbfe8b-02″ /dev/sda1: UUID=»ab34fc7c-0f1c-1234-5678-9f9f7065e672″ TYPE=»ext4″ PARTUUID=»6b905dde-01″ /dev/mmcblk0: PTUUID=»e3fdfe4b» PTTYPE=»dos» /dev/sda1 UUID=»ab34fc7c-0f1c-1234-5678-9f9f7065e672″ add /etc/fstab UUID=ab34fc7c-0f1c-1234-5678-9f9f7065e672 /mnt ext4 defaults,noatime,auto 0 0 También ls -l /dev/disk/by-uuid/ Da los UIDs