Archivo del Autor: carlosap

Builing ZFS on Raspberry Pi 3 running Rasbpian

Introduction This is a tutorial for building and installing the latest release version (0.7.3 as of writing) of «ZFS on Linux» on a Raspberry Pi 3 running Raspbian Stretch. Specifically, we’ll be building the dkms version of ZoL, which saves you the hassle of re-compiling the kernel modules after every kernel update. Even though ZoL… Leer más »

nginx monitoring prtg

If you’re merely interested in recording the connection information from the status page, you can use the embedded variables that the status module exposes, and format them for consumption by the HTTP Content sensor directly in the NGINX configuration: location /prtg { return 200 [$connections_active][$connections_reading][$connections_writing][$connections_waiting]; access_log off; allow x.x.x.x/y; deny all; } Reference:

zfs replicate

yum provides

If you don’t know where to find the ifconfig command, follow the simple steps provided below. First let us find out which packages will provide ifconfig command. To do that , enter the following command: yum provides ifconfig Sample Output: Loaded plugins: fastestmirror Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile  * base:  * extras:… Leer más »

CentOS 7: Failed to set MokListRT: Invalid Parameter

If you have the following error upon startup, do this to make the system bootable again. Failed to set MokListRT: Invalid Parameter Something has gone seriously wrong: import_mok_state() failed:Invalid Parameter Either burn a new CentoS disc, make a boot flash drive, or insert the install ISO to your VM. Boot from the disc and once… Leer más »