https://www.dynatrace.com/ Software intelligence todo en uno: APM, monitorización de infraestructuras cloud, AIOps y DEM. Simplifica y automatiza tu enterprise cloud híbrido gracias a la …
https://www.dynatrace.com/ Software intelligence todo en uno: APM, monitorización de infraestructuras cloud, AIOps y DEM. Simplifica y automatiza tu enterprise cloud híbrido gracias a la …
After ESXi 6.5 setup is complete, password complexity requirements are enforced for users, esp. root. To change root password to a simple non-complex password by disabling password complexity requirements temporarily use following steps: SSH to host vi /etc/pam.d/passwd Comment first (requisite) and second (sufficient) lines Copy sufficient line and remove use_auth_ok. Leave this edited line… Leer más »
Si sufres de colitis agarra 7 hojas tiernas de guayaba ponlas a hervir en 1 taza de agua por 10.minutos cuela y bebe tibio 2 veces la.dia ..en pocos dias ya tu estomago estará desinflamado y sin gases
0 There is a conflict between the driver CUDA wants to use (nvidia-390) and the one you have installed. I had the same problem: «which is also in package nvidia-340…» For me this was solved by first purging the old nvidia driver sudo dpkg -P nvidia-340 Only then would sudo apt –fix-broken install work. You can purge… Leer más »
# yum -y install tigervnc tigervnc-server vncpasswd # firewall-cmd –permanent –zone=public –add-port=5901/tcp success # firewall-cmd –reload success Running VNC as a System Service Next, we’ll set up the VNC server as a systemd service so we can start, stop, and restart it as needed, like any other service. This will also ensure that VNC starts… Leer más »
InstallInstall the service using our loved yum. yum install net-snmp net-snmp-utils ConfigTo the configuration; which can be found here : /etc/snmp/snmpd.confI however remove the original one -most of the time- and just copy/paste the one I use on all servers; Keep the original for reference, although its very verbose (IMHO) mv /etc/snmp/snmpd.conf /etc/snmp/snmpd.conf.ori This is the config… Leer más »
Alright, where to begin?! So what is the problem? The steps for preparing Ubuntu for WoL are as follows: Install ethtool with:sudo apt-get install ethtool– Ubuntu Server 18.04 LTS already has this installed Run:ifconfigto get the name of your network interface. Its worth noting here that all the guides I found say that “your network interface is most… Leer más »
apt-get install autocutsel edit: xstartup!/bin/sh def export XKL_XMODMAP_DISABLE=1 unset SESSION_MANAGER unset DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS xrdb $HOME/.Xresources xsetroot -solid grey autocutsel -fork startxfce4 &
STEP 1: PREPARE YOUR SYSTEM FOR UBUNTU VNC SETUP Before installing VNC on Ubuntu let’s update the system. First, gain access to your server’s command line. This can be done through SSH remotely, terminal if you are on the server, or whatever method you usually use. Once you’ve gained access to your server, make sure you have… Leer más »