Marvin Minsky 09 Common Sense

por | 30 mayo, 2024


MIT OpenCourseWare content featuring a professor discussing computational complexity and its importance in understanding intelligence.


  • Understanding computational complexity is essential for grasping intelligence in data-related fields.
  • Simplest problems, like vision and language acquisition, are highly complex.
  • Classifying problems by input number and effect size offers a naive complexity understanding.
  • Complex problems often appear simple but involve intricate underlying mechanisms.
  • Intelligence involves solving problems with few causes and small effects.
  • Methods to achieve goals depend on the number and impact of inputs.
  • Intelligence understanding requires both theoretical and practical knowledge.
  • Simplifying complex issues often reveals deeper computational challenges.
  • Small effect inputs can make problems seem simpler than they are.
  • Computational complexity insights aid in comprehending human cognitive processes.
  • Artificial intelligence benefits from classifying problem complexities.
  • Vision and language problems exemplify computational intricacies in simple tasks.
  • Theoretical knowledge in computational complexity supports practical intelligence applications.
  • Problem-solving strategies vary with input numbers and effects.
  • Classic theories provide foundational understanding for intelligence studies.
  • Recognizing complex simplicity is crucial in computational tasks.
  • Artificial intelligence thrives on understanding complex, seemingly simple problems.
  • Human cognition is intertwined with computational complexity.
  • Goals and methods in problem-solving relate to input complexity.
  • Intelligence theory merges computational and practical problem-solving.
  • Simple tasks, like language, hide complex computational structures.
  • Understanding intelligence involves both classic theory and modern complexity insights.
  • Problem classification aids in AI and cognitive studies.
  • Computational complexity highlights intelligence’s multifaceted nature.
  • Small cause-effect problems are deceptively complex in computation.


  • Simplest tasks, like vision and language, hide intricate computational complexity.
  • Intelligence involves understanding and solving deceptively simple problems.
  • Computational complexity theory is foundational for AI development.
  • Classifying problems by inputs and effects aids in AI comprehension.
  • Simplifying reveals deeper computational challenges in intelligence.
  • Classic and modern theories merge to explain cognitive processes.
  • Intelligence studies benefit from understanding problem complexities.
  • Human cognition is deeply linked with computational complexity insights.
  • AI development thrives on classifying and solving complex tasks.
  • Recognizing simplicity in complexity is key in computational tasks.


  • "Understanding of computational complexity is essential to the understanding of intelligence."
  • "The simplest problems we solve tend to be really complex."
  • "Vision and language acquisition are probably much more complex than expertise problems."
  • "Classifying problems by inputs and effects offers a naive understanding of complexity."
  • "Achieving goals depends on the number and impact of inputs."
  • "Simplifying complex issues reveals deeper computational challenges."
  • "Small effect inputs can make problems seem simpler than they are."
  • "Artificial intelligence benefits from classifying problem complexities."
  • "Theoretical knowledge supports practical intelligence applications."
  • "Human cognition is intertwined with computational complexity."
  • "Artificial intelligence thrives on understanding complex, seemingly simple problems."
  • "Goals and methods in problem-solving relate to input complexity."
  • "Problem-solving strategies vary with input numbers and effects."
  • "Classic theories provide foundational understanding for intelligence studies."
  • "Recognizing complex simplicity is crucial in computational tasks."
  • "Human cognitive processes are linked to computational complexity."
  • "Small cause-effect problems are deceptively complex in computation."
  • "Understanding intelligence involves both classic theory and modern complexity insights."
  • "Simplifying reveals deeper computational challenges in intelligence."
  • "AI development thrives on classifying and solving complex tasks."


  • Simplifying complex problems to understand deeper challenges.
  • Classifying tasks by input numbers and effect sizes.
  • Merging classic theories with modern insights for problem-solving.
  • Analyzing small effect inputs for underlying complexities.
  • Exploring vision and language as examples of intricate problems.
  • Applying computational complexity to cognitive studies.
  • Integrating theoretical knowledge with practical applications.
  • Focusing on deceptively simple tasks to reveal complexities.
  • Using naive complexity understanding for problem classification.
  • Leveraging classic intelligence theories for modern AI.
  • Studying human cognition through computational complexity lenses.
  • Examining simple tasks for hidden computational structures.
  • Balancing theoretical and practical approaches in AI development.
  • Recognizing simplicity in complex problems for better AI.
  • Understanding input-impact relationships in problem-solving.


  • Computational complexity is key to understanding intelligence.
  • Vision and language acquisition are highly complex tasks.
  • Classifying problems by inputs and effects provides naive complexity insight.
  • Achieving goals relates to input numbers and impact.
  • Intelligence involves solving deceptively simple problems.
  • Simplifying reveals deeper computational challenges.
  • Small effect inputs can mask problem complexity.
  • AI benefits from understanding problem complexities.
  • Theoretical knowledge aids practical intelligence application.
  • Human cognition and computational complexity are linked.
  • AI thrives on complex, simple problem understanding.
  • Problem-solving strategies depend on input complexity.
  • Classic theories aid in intelligence understanding.
  • Simplicity in complexity is crucial for computational tasks.
  • Cognitive processes relate to computational complexity.


  • MIT OpenCourseWare
  • Toshiba Journal of Research and Development


Understanding computational complexity is essential for advancing artificial intelligence and comprehending human cognition.


  • Simplify problems to uncover deeper computational challenges.
  • Classify tasks by input numbers and effect sizes.
  • Merge classic theories with modern insights for better problem-solving.
  • Analyze small effect inputs for underlying complexities.
  • Explore vision and language as intricate problem examples.
  • Apply computational complexity principles to cognitive studies.
  • Integrate theoretical knowledge with practical applications.
  • Focus on deceptively simple tasks to reveal complexities.
  • Use naive complexity understanding for initial problem classification.
  • Leverage classic intelligence theories for modern AI development.
  • Study human cognition through computational complexity lenses.
  • Examine simple tasks for hidden computational structures.
  • Balance theoretical and practical approaches in AI.
  • Recognize simplicity in complex problems for better AI solutions.
  • Understand input-impact relationships in problem-solving.
Categoría: AI