Listing Logical Domains Resources
This section shows the syntax usage for the ldm subcommands, defines some output terms, such as flags and utilization statistics, and provides examples that are similar to what you actually see as output.
Machine-Readable Output
If you are creating scripts that use ldm list command output, always use the -p option to produce the machine-readable form of the output. See Generate a Parseable, Machine-Readable List (-p) for more information.
Show Syntax Usage for ldm Subcommands
- Look at syntax usage for all ldm subcommands.
primary# ldm --help
For more information about the ldm subcommands, see the ldm(1M) man page.
Flag Definitions
The following flags can be shown in the output for a domain (ldm list). If you use the long, parseable options (-l -p) for the command, the flags are spelled out; for example, flags=normal,control,vio-service. If not, you see the letter abbreviation; for example -n-cv-. The list flag values are position dependent. Following are the values that can appear in each of the six columns from left to right.
Column 1
- s starting or stopping
- - placeholder
Column 2
- n normal
- t transition
Column 3
- d delayed reconfiguration
- - placeholder
Column 4
- c control domain
- - placeholder
Column 5
- v virtual I/O service domain
- - placeholder
Column 6
- s source domain in a migration
- t target domain in a migration
- e error occurred during a migration
- - placeholder
Utilization Statistic Definition
The per virtual CPU utilization statistic (UTIL) is shown on the long (-l) option of the ldm list command. The statistic is the percentage of time that the virtual CPU spent executing on behalf of the guest operating system. A virtual CPU is considered to be executing on behalf of the guest operating system except when it has been yielded to the hypervisor. If the guest operating system does not yield virtual CPUs to the hypervisor, the utilization of CPUs in the guest operating system will always show as 100%.
The utilization statistic reported for a logical domain is the average of the virtual CPU utilizations for the virtual CPUs in the domain. A dash (---) in the UTIL column means that the strand is power-managed.
Viewing Various Lists
Show Software Versions (-V)
- View the current software versions installed.
primary# ldm -V
Generate a Short List
- Generate a short list for all domains.
primary# ldm list
Generate a Long List (-l)
- Generate a long list for all domains.
primary# ldm list -l
Generate an Extended List (-e)
- Generate an extended list of all domains.
primary# ldm list -e
Generate a Parseable, Machine-Readable List (-p)
- Generate a parseable, machine-readable list of all domains.
primary# ldm list -p
Generate a Subset of a Long List (-o format)
- Generate output as a subset of resources by entering one or more of the following format options. If you specify more than one format, delimit the items by a comma with no spaces.
primary# ldm list -o resource[,resource...] ldom
- console – Output contains virtual console (vcons) and virtual console concentrator (vcc) service
- cpu – Output contains virtual CPU (vcpu) and physical CPU (pcpu)
- crypto – Cryptographic unit output contains Modular Arithmetic Unit (mau) and any other LDoms-supported cryptographic unit, such as the Control Word Queue (CWQ)
- disk – Output contains virtual disk (vdisk) and virtual disk server (vds)
- domain – Output contains variables (var), host ID (hostid), domain state, flags, and software state
- memory – Output contains memory
- network – Output contains media access control (mac) address , virtual network switch (vsw), and virtual network (vnet) device
- physio – Physical input/output contains peripheral component interconnect (pci) and network interface unit (niu)
- resmgmt – Output contains dynamic resource management (DRM) policy information.
- serial – Output contains virtual logical domain channel (vldc) service, virtual logical domain channel client (vldcc), virtual data plane channel client (vdpcc), virtual data plane channel service (vdpcs)
- stats – Output contains statistics that are related to resource management policies.
- status – Output contains status about a domain migration in progress.
The following examples show various subsets of output that you can specify:
- List CPU information for the control domain
# ldm list -o cpu primary
- List domain information for a guest domain
# ldm list -o domain ldm2
- List memory and network information for a guest domain
# ldm list -o network,memory ldm1
- List DRM policy information for a guest domain
# ldm list -o resmgmt,stats ldm1
List a Variable
- Show a variable and its value for a domain.
primary# ldm list-variable variable-name ldom
For example, the following command shows the value for the boot-device variable on the ldg1 domain:
primary# ldm list-variable boot-device ldg1 boot-device=/virtual-devices@100/channel-devices@200/disk@0:a
List Bindings
- List the resources that are bound to a domain.
primary# ldm list-bindings ldom
List Configurations
- List logical domain configurations that have been stored on the SP.
Example 9–2 Configurations List
The ldm list-config command lists the logical domain configurations that are stored on the service processor. When used with the -r option, this command lists those configurations for which autosave files exist on the control domain.
For more information about configurations, see Managing Logical Domains Configurations. For more examples, see the ldm(1M) man page.
primary# ldm list-config factory-default 3guests foo [next poweron] primary reconfig-primary |
Meaning of Labels
The labels to the right of the configuration name mean the following:
- [current] – Last booted configuration, only as long as it matches the currently running configuration; that is, until you initiate a reconfiguration. After the reconfiguration, the annotation changes to [next poweron].
- [next poweron] – Configuration to be used at the next powercycle.
List Devices
- List all server resources, bound and unbound.
primary# ldm list-devices -a
List Available Memory
- List the amount of memory available to be allocated.
primary# ldm list-devices mem MEMORY PA SIZE 0x14e000000 2848M
List Services
- List the services that are available.
primary# ldm list-services
Listing Constraints
To the Logical Domains Manager, constraints are one or more resources you want to have assigned to a particular domain. You either receive all the resources you ask to be added to a domain or you get none of them, depending upon the available resources. The list-constraints subcommand lists those resources you requested assigned to the domain.
List Constraints for One Domain
- List constraints for one domain.
primary# ldm list-constraints ldom
List Constraints in XML Format
- List constraints in XML format for a particular domain.
primary# ldm list-constraints -x ldom
List Constraints in a Machine-Readable Format
- List constraints for all domains in a parseable format.
primary# ldm list-constraints -p
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