What is the fastest way to remove all records from a database table?

por | 1 marzo, 2016



Article Number 000020585
Question/Problem Description
What is the fastest way to remove all records from a database table?
Steps to Reproduce
Clarifying Information
Error Message
Defect/Enhancement Number
The fastest way to remove all records from a database table without messing around with the metasachema is to use the following code:

FOR EACH YourTableNameGoesHere EXCLUSIVE-LOCK: DELETE YourTableNameGoesHere.END.

You can increase the performance of the above code by tuning the database for this specific task. Do not allow other users to access the database during this exercise.

1) Backup the database, due to using the -i parameter in the next step.2) Start the database in multi-user mode with some additional parameters: proserve YourDatabaseNameGoesHere -B 5000 -bibufs 40 -spin 2000 -i Note that you should use -spin 1 if you only have a single CPU machine and the bigger -B the better up to the amount of available physical memory.3) Start an APW. proapw YourDatabaseNameGoesHere4) Start a BIW. probiw YourDatabaseNameGoesHere5) Start your client session and run the above code. mpro YourDatabaseNameGoesHere

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