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por | 13 marzo, 2009

Scaling SugarCRM and MySQL on Sun’s Coolthreads Server and Solaris Operating System


Tuesday Feb 26, 2008

Scaling SugarCRM with MySQL on Sun’s Coolthreads server


Scaling SugarCRM and MySQL on Sun’s Coolthreads Server and Solaris Operating System

Updates 4/9/2008

I have since done some more work on this project and found that the system could scale up to 900 concurrent users with further tuning to mysql. I have updated the graph and the relevant configuration details.


In case you are not familiar with SugarCRM. It is a open source Customer Relationship Management software that runs on Apache, MySQL and PHP (aka AMP stack). Here I would like to show how we scaled SugarCRM on Sun’s Coolthreads Server running Solaris Operating system. The results are generated with the SugarCRM 4.5.1i with the specific configuration mentioned in this document and the work is in progress.


Installing SugarCRM on Solaris requires the AMP (Apache2, MySQL5, and PHP5) stack. I have followed the steps below to get the optimized AMP stack for Solaris Operating System. You may want to try the Open Solaris latest build that comes pre-installed with Web Stack more information can be found here


Cool Stack Web Site is available on-online at:

Downloaded Cool Stack 1.2. Specifically the following required packages to get SugarCRM running to /var/tmp.




we also downloaded 64bit MySQL as the default CSKamp package only comes with 32bit MySQL version.


Installing Coolstack

After downloading the stack to a temporary directory as indicated above. The following steps would install the Coolstack on the system. Also make sure that you update your PATH environment variable. The syntax will vary based on your shell. I have provided info on Bourne Shell below. Please note that Coolstack 1.2 also released a patch for dtrace, apc, perl and lighttpd packages. Although we did not use the apc provided by coolstack. We did apply the patches. More information on the patches can be found here You could achieve similar results without coolstack as long as you are using the latest versions of AMP.

Coolstack 1.2 comes with the following specific versions of AMP:

  • Apache 2.2.6
  • PHP 5.2.4 and APC 3.0.14
  • MySQL 5.0.45


Uncompressed and Installed Packages (accepted default values where needed. Installed with ‘root’ privileges)

cd /var/tmp

bunzip2 CSKruntime_1.2_sparc.pkg.bz2

bunzip2 CSKamp_1.2_sparc.pkg.bz2

bunzip2 CSKphplibbundle_1.2_sparc.pkg.bz2

bunzip2 CSKmysql_1.2_sparc.pkg.bz2

By default the application installs in the default dir. /opt/coolstack directory

pkgadd -d ./CSKruntime_1.2_sparc.pkg

pkgadd -d ./CSKamp_1.2_sparc.pkg

(skipped mysql32 bit installation while installing as we planned to install 64bit. version)

pkgadd -d ./CSKphplibbundle_1.2_sparc.pkg

pkgadd -d ./CSKmysql_1.2_sparc.pkg

Updated PATH environment variable

export PATH=/opt/coolstack/php5/bin:$PATH

Installing SugarCRM

At the time of testing these scripts SugarCRM 4.5.1i was available for download. I’m providing the steps that I followed to install SugarCRM 4.5.1i below. A more detailed performance tuning data for SugarCRM 5.0 will be made available soon. Please note that a production environment may need additional security related changes that are not covered below. You would also need /etc/my.cnf with the default values before you run the following commands. The configuration we used is provided toward the end.

We installed SugarCRM 4.5.1i with the default configuration. We did not install the demo data as we used a separate kit to seed the database with 1200 users. More details on seeding the database can be found in the preparing database section below.


We followed these steps to install SugarCRM.

Downloaded SugarCRM from
and followed the installation instructions available here

Downloaded to the DOCROOT directory of Apache2. Change the ownership of SugarOS-Full-4.5.1i to webservd and group webservd and make sure apache is running

cd /opt/coolstaack/apache2/htdocs

chown -R webservd:webservd SugarOS-Full-4.5.1i
/opt/coolstack/apache2/bin/apachectl restart

made sure that data dir. is owned by mysql. created the mysql db instanc and started mysql smf service

ls -l /db/data
drwx—— 5 mysql mysql 512 Jun 6 20:39 /db/data/5.0

cd /opt/coolstack/mysql/
bin/mysql_install_db –user=mysql –datadir=/db/data/5.0

svcadm enable csk-mysql
#(should show online status)
svcs -a | grep csk-mysql

Now rest of the configuration using the web browser

firefox http://localhost/SugarOS-Full-4.5.1i/

Benchmark Configuration

The benchmark configuration consists of Sun SPARC Enterprise T5220 server. We used single server to host both MySQL database and Apache HTTP Server. A separate Storage device Sun ST2540 is attached to the server for MySQL database. This storage is mounted as two volumes one for table spaces (/db/data/5.0) and the other for log files (/db/logs/5.0).

Sun SPARC Enterprise T5220Sun SPARC Enterprise T5220 Sun StorageTek2540Sun StorageTek2540

Hardware Configuration

Sun SPARC Enterprise T5220 Server

  • 1 UltraSPARC-T2 Processor 1.4GHz (8 Cores, 8 h/w threads per core)
  • 16GB RAM
  • 2 x 146GB, 10K RPM Internal SAS Disks
  • 4 x 10/100/1000Mbps Ethernet, 2 PCI-X, 4 PCIe

Sun StorageTek ST2540

  • 365GB (5 x 73GB, 15K RPM SAS Disks)
  • 2 x 4Gb/s FC Host Connections

Preparing Database

We used a data generator kit provided by SugarCRM to generate the seed data. Using the kit SugarCRM database is populated with 1200 users [and a database proportional to 10,000 accounts] that breaks down to the following number of records for each module/business object.


Business Objects

Number of Records























Total Records*


A total of 521,730 records were inserted to initialize the database for the tests. It includes the main objects and the relationship rows that link the data together.

Load Generation

We relied on Sugar to provide us with a kit to test the load on the server. Luckily they already had fully automated script that uses Apache JMeter to generate the load. All the tests were done using the kit provided by Sugar. We noticed that at higher loads JMeter was spending more time in GCs than driving the load. The following changes were made to the default JVM options to reduce the GC pause times. Here’s the JMeter tuning option that worked for us:


-server -d64 -Xms6128m -Xmx6128m -Xmn2559m
-XX:MaxTenuringThreshold=2 -XX:InitialSurvivorRatio=4
-XX:+AggressiveHeap -XX:+UseParallelGC -XX:+UseParallelOldGC
-verbose:gc -XX:+PrintGCDetails -XX:+PrintGCTimeStamps

Load Test Scenario

A test scenario used for performance or benchmark should closely represent a typical CRM users interactions with the server. Here’s a scenario that we used to load test the server. Each user goes through the following steps. The test scenario is repeated for all the concurrent users with randomness introduced to accessing the Business Objects while keeping the Login/Logout constant. Here’s a list of the Business objects that are accessed during the test.



Business Object


Create / Delete


(List View, Detail View)


Login Home Page


Contacts Yes Yes


Accounts Yes Yes


Opportunity Yes Yes


Lead Yes Yes


Email Yes Yes


Notes Yes Yes


Cases Yes Yes


Tasks Yes Yes


Logout Home Page


Establishing Baseline

As with any performance tuning project establishing a baseline is important to measure the effectiveness of the tuning. We recorded the baseline performance for 100 concurrent users with the default configuration of apache, mysql and php. Since SugarCRM is a user interactive application and hence measuring the response times along with the number of concurrent users provides a good measure of success. Without applying any tuning the application measured as shown below:


Concurrent Users Response Times Total Number of Requests Sum % of Requests
100 2 seconds 9536 71.72

These numbers represent that at 100 concurrent user load for a total of 9,536 web requests only 71.72% of them made it in less than 2 seconds Response Time. Or in other words close to 30% of the time the user was waiting for the server to respond for more than 2 seconds. The user perceives that the server is slow in this kind of situation. This is the default performance without any tuning applied to the stack, SugarCRM or the Solaris operating system.

Scaling Number of Concurrent Users

From a baseline of 100 concurrent users we scaled the server to 900 concurrent users at the same time maintaining less than 2 second response times for more than 90% of the web requests.

Graph Showing 100 to 900 Concurrent User Requests vs Response Times

The above graph shows the number of web requests to the SugarCRM server shown on Y-axis and the time the server took to respond back for a given request in seconds is shown on the X-axis.


Concurrent Users Total Web Requests % of Requests Under 2 Second Response Time
100 (Baseline) 9536 (60min run)


200 10532 (30min run) 93.62%
300 15577 (30min run) 92.52%
400 20180 (30min run) 91.28%
500 24359 (30min run) 96.5%
600 28362 (30min run) 95.43%
700 65594 (60 min run) 92.33%
800 42972 (30 min run) 92.89%
900 48347 (30 min run) 90.10%

Response Time is calculated from the time a request for a business object is made till all the related resources are received by the client browser (includes images, css, js files) per request. If you offload the static content to a separate server the results could be better than what we see here since the apache server would be doing only dynamic content generation. It should be noted however that the system could support more users than we tested as the following vmstat output confirms. We found that the single client for load generation was not scaling well. We will follow up with multiple client load generation and conclude the max concurrent users supported by this platform soon.


#vmstat output at steady state 

kthr      memory            page            disk          faults      cpu
r b w   swap  free  re  mf pi po fr de sr s1 s2 s3 sd   in   sy   cs us sy id
0 0 0 44821464 43882784 15 172 0 0 0 0  0  0  0  0  8 10777 87164 13865 43 2 55
0 0 0 44800368 43803168 18 236 0 0 0 0  0  0  0  0 22 10870 87505 13341 43 2 55
0 0 0 44829320 43752280 15 337 0 0 0 0  0  0  0  0 21 12008 92601 15902 45 2 52
0 0 0 44725232 43641104 14 386 0 0 0 0  0  0  0  0 26 11707 94303 14516 47 2 50
0 0 0 44665184 43579904 19 399 0 0 0 0  0  0  0  0 33 11687 97145 15574 53 3 45
0 0 0 44658600 43601448 15 279 0 0 0 0  0  0  0  0 30 11906 96558 14861 48 2 49
0 0 0 44611776 43560232 18 391 0 0 0 0  0  0  0  0 33 11750 97666 14828 49 3 48

Tuning Options Used

APC (Alternative PHP Cache) that caches the PHP opcodes that comes bundled with the Coolstack 1.2 is a good start. However we compiled APC the latest version of APC 3.0.16 with the following options using Sun Studio compilers:


#cd APC-3.0.16 


#./configure –enable-apc –enable-apc-sem –enable-apc-mmap –with-apxs=/opt/coolstack/apache2/bin/apxs –with-php-config=/opt/coolstack/php5/bin/php-config


#make install

Although eAccelerator is also believed to give similar or better results we have not tried it yet. The performance of APC as measured during the load tests of SugarCRM is shown below:

APC Status During Benchmark

Solaris 10 Operating System:

We have applied the following tuning options to the /etc/system file


set sq_max_size=0

set rlim_fd_max=32768

set rlim_fd_cur=32768

set ip_squeue_soft_ring=1

set ip:ip_soft_rings_cnt=8

set autoup=900

Also to support higher http requests the following ndd parameters were applied.


ndd -set /dev/tcp tcp_conn_req_max_q 16384 

ndd -set /dev/tcp tcp_conn_req_max_q0 16384

ndd -set /dev/tcp tcp_naglim_def 1

ndd -set /dev/tcp tcp_smallest_anon_port 2048

Apache2 Configuration Optimized for SugarCRM

The default configuration of Apache httpd.conf loads several modules that are not needed to run SugarCRM. Depending on your web site requirements you can disable most of them. We have used the following minimal set of modules to successfully run SugarCRM.



ServerRoot «/opt/coolstack/apache2»


LoadModule authz_host_module modules/

LoadModule cache_module modules/

LoadModule mem_cache_module modules/

LoadModule log_config_module modules/

LoadModule env_module modules/

LoadModule mime_magic_module modules/

LoadModule expires_module modules/

LoadModule headers_module modules/

LoadModule setenvif_module modules/

LoadModule mime_module modules/

LoadModule suexec_module modules/

LoadModule cgi_module modules/

LoadModule php5_module modules/

<IfModule !mpm_netware_module>

User webservd

Group webservd


<IfModule mime_module>

PHPINIDir /opt/coolstack/php5/lib

AddType application/x-httpd-php .php .phtml

AddType application/x-httpd-php-source .phps


EnableMMAP Off

EnableSendfile Off

Include conf/extra/httpd-mpm.conf

<IfModule mod_mem_cache.c>

CacheEnable mem /

MCacheSize 32768

MCacheMaxObjectCount 8192

MCacheMinObjectSize 1

MCacheMaxObjectSize 2048



<IfModule mpm_prefork_module>

StartServers 1200

MinSpareServers 2000

MaxSpareServers 2000

MaxRequestsPerChild 0

ListenBacklog 8192

ServerLimit 2500

MaxClients 2500


MySQL Tuning

Before you create the database please make sure that the following file is saved in /etc/my.cnf so that it picks the InnoDB configuration while creating the tablespaces and the logfiles. The settings applied to query cache, table cache and thread concurrency helps at higher loads and reduces the latency.




port = 3306

socket = /tmp/mysql.sock

datadir = «/db/data/5.0»

back_log = 50

max_connections = 3000

max_connect_errors = 10

table_cache = 2048

max_allowed_packet = 2M

binlog_cache_size = 2M

max_heap_table_size = 64M

sort_buffer_size = 32M

join_buffer_size = 32M

thread_cache_size = 3000

thread_concurrency = 3000

record_buffer = 8M

query_cache_size = 256M

query_cache_type = 1

query_cache_limit = 4M


ft_min_word_len = 4

default-storage-engine = innodb

thread_stack = 192K

transaction_isolation = REPEATABLE-READ

tmp_table_size = 512M


server-id = 1

key_buffer_size = 32M

read_buffer_size = 4M

read_rnd_buffer_size = 32M

bulk_insert_buffer_size = 64M

innodb_additional_mem_pool_size = 256M

innodb_buffer_pool_size = 2G

innodb_data_file_path = ibdata1:4096M:autoextend

innodb_data_home_dir = /db/data/5.0

innodb_file_io_threads = 8

innodb_thread_concurrency = 0

innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit = 1

innodb_log_buffer_size = 8M

innodb_log_file_size = 1G

innodb_log_files_in_group = 2

innodb_log_group_home_dir = /db/logs/5.0

innodb_max_dirty_pages_pct = 90

innodb_lock_wait_timeout = 120

Also MPSS and libumem libraries were pre-loaded by making changes to the mysqld_safe script. More information regarding MySQL performance tuning can be found here:


#mysqld_safe file modified to pre-load MPSS and libumem libraries 



LD_PRELOAD_64=»/usr/lib/sparcv9/ /usr/lib/sparcv9/″

export LD_PRELOAD_64

PHP Tuning

Some of these settings are pretty standard except however we did make changes to the default apc settings.



cgi.fix_pathinfo = 1

memory_limit = 320M ; Maximum amount of memory a script may consume (8MB)

default_socket_timeout = 1800

safe_mode = 0

post_max_size = 20M

upload_max_filesize = 20M


session.use_cookies = 1

session.cookie_lifetime = 0

session.gc_probability = 1

session.gc_divisor = 5000

session.gc_maxlifetime = 6000

session.entropy_file = «/dev/urandom»

;session.cache_expire = 300

;session.cache_limiter = nocache

session.save_path = «/tmp/sessions»







#APC 3.0.16 tuning below























SugarCRM Tuning

We applied the standard tuning recommended for SugarCRM along with some of the suggestions made here It would be interesting to see how SugarCRM performs with memcached when it supports but that’s probably for another day.


In our tests we found that the Sun’s Coolthreads server can scale to large number of concurrent users on a single server running both SugarCRM and MySQL. There is not much performance impact if the MySQL is run inside Solaris Containers vs running it in the global zone along with SugarCRM. Sun’s Coolthreads server does scale well with the SAMP stack based applications more specifically SugarCRM and MySQL database.


Well written, detailed article. A couple of comments:

. I assume you edited the svc-cskmysql file in /opt/coolstack/lib/svc/method to point to your data dir before enabling SMF for MySQL.

. To show scaling, it would be effective to draw a graph showing #users on x-axis vs thrupt and cpu util. on y axis. You can then see at a glance how linear the scaling is.

. You don’t mention why you went to APC 3.0.16. Any specific reason ?

Posted by Shanti on February 26, 2008 at 01:20 PM PST #

Thanks Shanti for the comments.

* Yes, I did change the DB_DIR in the
svc-cskmysql file.

* «draw a graph showing #users on x-axis vs thrupt and cpu util. on y axis»
Yes, I will definitely add this to the next update and the final conclusion of this project.

* I found of lot of system calls from apc and shared the dtrace ustack output with Zend. Upgrading to apc-3.0.16 helped us reduce those calls. Shahar from agreed to help isolate the problem.

dtrace -n syscall::semsys:entry’/execname==»httpd»/{@[ustack()]=count()}’`_syscall6+0x1c`apc_cache_find_slot+0x40`apc_cache_find+0x30`my_compile_file+0x1b8`ZEND_INCLUDE_OR_EVAL_SPEC_CONST_HANDLER+0x118`execute+0x138`zend_do_fcall_common_helper_SPEC+0x46c`execute+0x138`zend_do_fcall_common_helper_SPEC+0x46c`execute+0x138`zend_do_fcall_common_helper_SPEC+0x46c`execute+0x138`ZEND_INCLUDE_OR_EVAL_SPEC_TMP_HANDLER+0x274`execute+0x138`zend_execute_scripts+0x110`php_execute_script+0x2b0`php_handler+0x798

Posted by Satish on February 26, 2008 at 10:13 PM PST #

set rlim_fd_max=200000
set rlim_fd_cur=200000

I thought the max for S10 was 65K–does the setting above actually work and are more than 65K fd’s actually used in your bench?

Posted by Mark on March 12, 2008 at 11:11 PM PDT #

This article is looking good providing initial knowledge about SugarCRM.

i want to get some information about how i can integrate sugarcrm with my application developed in j2ee,jsf,spring,liferay,alfresco.

can somebody help me to make my mind how to utilize sugarCRM services available in my application

Posted by Faheem on March 17, 2008 at 06:58 AM PDT #


Yes, you are right the default max is 65536. Based on it can be increased with the parameter ‘rlim_fd_max’ assuming there is enough virtual memory space. This benchmark did not use that many fds.

Posted by Satish on March 17, 2008 at 11:50 PM PDT #

A) Why did you set sq_max_size to zero? This is considered to be a train wreck waiting to happen in the case of a sudden extreme increase in network load. Was the default value of sq_max_size (10000) in Solaris 10 not sufficient? Setting it to zero removes any throttling that would be available from a non-zero value. This is not a recommended practice.
B) Why preload Was not the default system behavior sufficient?

Posted by James Litchfield on April 22, 2008 at 10:28 PM PDT #

Regarding the question about using SugarCRM services for integration, I suggest first watching the Sugar Web Services APIs video at

After watching that, look through the example code provided in the Sugar installation in the examples directory.

That should get you started.


Posted by Clint Oram on May 25, 2008 at 12:27 PM PDT #

There have been a few questions posted here about SugarCRM integration and customization.

Check out for effect SugarCRM customisation and integration.

Posted by The Sugar Refinery on August 18, 2008 at 04:22 PM PDT #

you mention jMeter loadtests provided by Sugar;
any hint on where to find those?

thanks upfront, regards georg

Posted by georgk on January 20, 2009 at 12:12 PM PST #

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