
por | 4 julio, 2006

Installing Ninan
Installing on a windows machine:

* Make sure you have java version 1.4.x or higher installed. If not get it here
* Download the Ninan zip file here
* Unpack the zip file. This will result in a new directory named like: ninan-x.x.x
* Go to the new directory and start Ninan with the ninancore.bat file.

Installing on a unix machine (mac os x, linux etc):

* Make sure you have java version 1.4.x or higher installed. If not get it here
* For the unix version the JAVA_HOME has to be correctly pointed to where the java is installed.
* If you have installed java at /usr/local/java1.4 then this line will do the trick:
export JAVA_HOME=/usr/local/java1.4
* Download the Ninan tar.gz file here
* Unpack the tar.gz file. This will result in a new directory named like: ninan-x.x.x
* Go to the new directory run this command: chmod 755
* Then start Ninan in the background with: nohup ./ &
* If you do not use the nohup and & then it will not start in the background and the restart feature will not work.

Changing the required settings:

* When you have started ninan this link will get you started if you are one the same machine on which Ninan is installed.
* At the login page use «admin» as username and «password» as password.
* Then go to the settings page. This will default show the general settings submenu. Here you have to change the following:
– newzbin username and password if you want to use the newzbin integration.
– admin username and password (very recommendable !) – ninan username and password (very recommendable !)
* Under the settings go to the newsservers and fill out all the settings with your newsserver and usernaem/password (if any)
* After this hit the restart button (on the top) or somehow restart Ninan. After this Ninan should be ready for use. See the usage page.
